Special Technique for Summoning Energy & Spreading Metta
So how does one spread metta (loving kindness)? There are different ways of spreading merit, but in general:
- One must have made merit already through dana/sila/pawana
- One must have metta in one’s heart
- One makes a sincere wish for all sentient beings to share in the merits accrued
But there is also a specialised way of spreading merit in our tradition. Note that this is not “the authorised” way, but just a suggested method that some luksits use. You don’t have to follow this but you can use it if it helps:
Step 1
Complete the chanting of the Maha Jakkapat Katha 108 times. Hold the amulet in your hand.
Step 2
Compose your mind and adithan accordingly.
“Right now, I would like to invite Luang Pu Doo, Luang Pu Thuad, Somdej Ong Pathom, Phra Maha Jakkapat to summon the energy and baramee of every Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha, including every Pacceka Buddha; every Bodhisatta, as well as all the Phra Arahants from the past, present and future
*to transmit the accrued merit I have made to all beings in the Three Worlds, especially the beings who have been related to me in a past or present life. May all the beings receive the merit and loving-kindness I have radiated
*to give me the best way to solve my health problems (provide details) / relationship problems (provide details) / financial problems (provide details) / to transform the water I am holding to holy water / to consecrate this particular item etc.
**to enable me to continue to cultivate well on the Bodhisatta Path in the perfection of the 10 parami which include Dana, Sila, Renunciation, Wisdom, Energy, Patient Endurance, Truthfulness, Determination, Metta and Upekkha. May I dedicate my life and merit to supporting the Buddha Sasana and all sentient beings”
[**Applicable only for aspiring Bodhisattas]
Step 3
Recite the Sabbe Katha 3 or 5 times to pae metta as well as spread the light and merit
“Sabbe Phutta, Sabbe Dhamma, Sabbe Sangka
Palapatta Pacheykanan Ja Yangpalang
Arahantanan Ja Techeyna
Rakkhang Panthami Sabbaso”
During the chanting of this verse, visualise the energy being transmitted from our Luang Pu Doo amulet to our body and towards the target person or item we want to send energy to.
*From experiences shared with me, some Singaporean and Malaysian brothers and sisters are already able to see light/energy, either from the amulet or from the chanting of the Jakkapat.
If that’s the case, there’s no need to visualise but you can still redirect the energy accordingly.
Step 4
Recite this katha and reaffirm your intentions.
“Phuttang Atithami, Dhammang Atithami, Sangkang Atithami”
Step 1
Complete the chanting of the Maha Jakkapat Katha 108 times. Hold the amulet in your hand.
Step 2
Compose your mind and adithan accordingly.
Step 3
Recite the Sabbe Katha 3 or 5 times to pae metta as well as spread the light and merit
“Sabbe Phutta, Sabbe Dhamma, Sabbe Sangka
Palapatta Pacheykanan Ja Yangpalang
Arahantanan Ja Techeyna
Rakkhang Panthami Sabbaso”
Visualise the energy being transmitted from our Luang Pu Doo amulet to our body and towards the target person or item we want to send energy to.
Step 4
Recite this katha and reaffirm your intentions.
“Phuttang Atithami, Dhammang Atithami, Sangkang Atithami”