The Practice of Meditation – Instructions and Method
When we are chanting the katha, be it the Maha Jakkapat Katha, or the standard Luang Pu Doo katha, the Traisaranakhom (Putthang Saranang Gacchaami…), always relax your body and mind. Put them in a light and comfortable mood. Don’t over exert, concentrate or focus too hard. Also, don’t be overly eager to see nimittas or try to avoid seeing visions.
Keep your mind equanimous, in a state of normality. Remember, when the eyes are on the photo of the Phra, the citta should be with the Phra also. Together with the Triple Gems, the Jakkapat, Luang Pu Doo, and as well as the chanting of the katha.
Gently gaze at the photo of the Phra. Which Phra? Any Phra you like will do. It can be the Jakkapat Buddha, Luang Pu Thuad, or Luang Pu Doo. When you close your eyes, you will see the Phra in your mind’s eye. After a while, the vision of the Phra will disappear. It is okay, just open your eyes and take a look at the photo again.
Some people focus on the recitation of the katha when they are looking at the photo. Others may consider the meaning of the Dhamma or suttas in their mind. Still, some may decide to talk to Luang Pu Doo. Whatever it is, let your mind not leave this area, and request for the parami of Luang Pu Doo.
Invite all the Brahmas and Devas of every realm and world to come and pray together with us. Most importantly, don’t forget to invite the spirits in the earthly realm to attend also. When we are praying in this manner, our citta will shine brilliantly, and their cittas will be equally as luminous and bright as well. Let us all support each other as friends revolving around this Samsaric cycle of birth and death.
When you are spreading merit to all beings after your meditation is over, do remember to bow down and invite the parami of Luang Pu Doo, invite the parami of all the fully enlightened Buddhas since the first Lord Buddha, Somdej Ong Pathom Borom Maha Jakkapat, the Pacceka Buddhas, the Bodhisattas and Ariya Sangha from the past, present and future to come to us.
Spread the merit with a mind of compassion, of good-will, of loving kindness, to all beings with nama-rupa, all beings of spontaneous birth (opapātika), all humans, all animals, all beings living in the Three Worlds, our Kruba Ajaan, our parents, our loved ones and all beings with kammic ties and affinity with us.
Pray for our merit which we have created in the past, the present, and will create in the future to be spread everywhere.
Luang Ta emphasised that one must keep praying in every posture, whether you are standing, sitting, walking or lying down. Be diligent in the practice. Even if you are in the shower, you can continue to pray and chant. Keep your mind above worldly emotions.
Somebody asked, “Shall we keep praying even when we are in the toilet?”
Luang Ta replied, “So you think you won’t die when you are using the toilet?” – meaning that we can die at any time, at any place, so we should pray at every time.
You can pray aloud or in your heart depending on the situation. If you are in a bad mood, you should pray so that your heart will not get entangled in negative energy. Keep your mind in the 4 Brahmaviharas of Metta, Karuna, Mudita and Upekkha, do not get involved and attached to sights, tastes, smells, sounds and touch. Chant until you fall asleep at night, and you will get used to it.
When it is time to spread merit and metta, remember Luang Pu Doo and ask him to help you. Luang Pu Doo is a bodhisatta with vast and wide parami. We request for his parami to help us and to help all beings in the cosmos, to keep us on the right path of the Dhamma, to achieve success, both worldly success and success in the way of the Dhamma.
Maha Jakkapat Katha (Great Imperial Buddha Mantra)
Namo Puttaya, Phra Putta Trai Rattanayan,
Mani Noparat, Sisat Hassa Suthamah,
Phutto Thammo Sangkho, Yataput Mona,
Phutta Bucha, Thamma Bucha, Sangka Bucha,
Akkhi Thanang, Warang Kanthang,
Siwali Ja Maha Therang, Ahang Wanthami
Thuratho, Ahang Wanthami Thatuyo,
Ahang Wanthami Sappaso,
Phutta Thamma Sangka Puchemi
Spreading Merit
Sabbe Phutta, Sabbe Thamma, Sabbe Sangka
Palapatta Pacheykanan Ja Yangpalang
Arahantanan Ja Techeyna
Rakkhang Panthami Sabbaso (x3)
Phuttang Atithami, Thammang Atithami, Sangkang Atithami
…relax body and mind…
…gently gaze at photo of Phra…
…invite all the Brahmas* and Devas* of every realm and world to come and pray together with us….
…bow down and invite the parami of Luang Pu Doo, invite the parami of all the fully enlightened Buddhas…
…spread the merit with compassion, good-will, and loving kindness, to all beings^…
…keep praying in every posture, whether standing, sitting, walking or lying down…
(31) Plane of Neither Perception-nor-non-Perception
(30) Plane of Nothingness
(29) Plane of Infinite Consciousness
(28) Plane of Infinite Space
7 Fourth Jhana Planes:
5 Pure Abodes:
(27) Highest (Akanittha)
(26) Clear Sighted (Sudassi)
(25) Beautiful (Sudassa)
(24) Serene (Atappa)
(23) Durable (Aviha)
(22) Non-Percipient, Matter Only, No Mind
(21) Great Fruit
3 Third Jhana Planes:
(20) Third Jhana, highest degree
(19) Third Jhana, medium degree
(18) Third Jhana, minor degree
3 Second Jhana Planes:
(17) Second Jhana, highest degree (Abhassara)
(16) Second Jhana, medium degree
(15) Second Jhana, minor degree
3 First Jhana Planes:
(14) First Jhana, Maha Brahmas
(13) First Jhana, Brahma’s Ministers
(12) First Jhana, Brahma’s Retinue
7 Happy Sensuous Planes:
6 Deva Planes:
(11) Control Others’ Creations
(10) Rejoice in Their Own Creations
(9) Tusita — Delightful Plane
(8) Yama
(7) Realm of the 33 (Tāvatimsa – Lord Sakka lives here)
(6) Catummaharajika — 4 Great Kings
(5) Human Beings
4 Lower Realms of Woe:
(4) Ghosts
(3) Asuras
(2) Animal
(1) Hell